Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Purple Day Update!

March 26th Purple Day

. . . Is Fast approaching! Have you combed you wardrobe yet to work out you purple day artier?  It your still straching your head you could try some purple day merchandise  just follow the links to pick up your gear! Or you might also like to try Go Fundraisers Online Store.

While many organisations who support those living with seizure disorders have fundraising, Purple Day is about taking the opportunity to talk epilepsy! 

 World wide it is estimated 50 million people suffer from epilepsy. In 70% of patients seizures are controlled by surgery or medications. 2014 is and significant time for us to be talking about epilepsy as recent medical break through have be able to determine the are to broad types of seizures, the that occur in a generalized area of the brain and those that have a focal point.  This is one reason why epilepsy seizures can present so differently.

The presentation of seizures varies widely from person to person. Recently the way medical practioners and epilepsy educators talk about epilepsy has undergone a great deal of change.  We no longer talk about grand mal and petti mal seizures, but a generalized or focal seizure. You can read some other interesting facts here.

In the event you need to call 000 for a stranger on the street having a seizure using  the right language can be helpful in the paramedics assisting you to give assistance to the patience over the phone.

As well as research developments and changes in language, the way we assist a person having a seizure has dramatically changed, here is some essential fist aid informaton .

So I have epilepsy but epilepsy does not have me! I am one of the 30% patience whose seizures are not controllable by surgery or medication.  Just as my cerebral palsy has not prevented me form achieving a fully independent life in my community nor has epilepsy. I am assisted to live independently in my own home.

I may look brave, but I take precautions to manage my illness.  Despite my seizures not being controlled medication does provide assistance and I don't go out alone if I am feeling unwell.  Family and friends have a spare key and I have a medical alarm to call for assistance.

Purple day is a great opportunity to use my art for advocacy,. This is my 2nd annual online art auction. It's a chance to demonstrate that people with epilepsy can make valuable contribution to our community.       

50% of sales of my artwork will be donated to Epilepsy Action Australia my purple day online auction is  registered  with go fundraiser and the International Purple Day Organisers. All payments and donations can be made secure online.  Terms and conditions are available on the auction site and it is strongly recommended you resigester intention to bid before 25th March.  

All artwork and the relative information can be viewed on the site now. Please contact me if you need further information or assistance. 


Friday, March 7, 2014

Purple Day is fast approaching

Purple Day is March 26th - Purple day is an international day to talk everything "epilepsy" About 50 million people world wide suffer from some type of seizure disorder, on March 26th my message is . . . 

"I have epilepsy . . . but epilepsy does not have me!"

  From Midnight to Midnight on

March 26th (Queensland Time)

I am hosting my 2nd Annual

Online Art Auction

You can test the auction website now

and view the 13 artworks 

up for sale on March 26th 

If you would like either a

PDF or hard copy of my

2014 Caterlogue they are now available

Do forget to register to bid

by 5 pm on March 25th   

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Let's talk Epilepsy

Hi!  "I have epilepsy but epilepsy does not have me!" March 26th is International Purple Day.  Purple Day is a chance to talk about epilepsy. Epilepsy is the most common neurological disorder and around 50 million people suffer from some type of epilepsy world wide. 

Over thirty different types of seizures have been classified, however even within a classification type a seizure can present very differently.  The language and terminology we use to describe "seizure activity", is currently undergoing rapid change . . . So this purple day "we're talking epilepsy!" So we can get the word out there!

"A seizure" is a generalized term to describe abnormal activity of the brain.  I like to describe it as my brain is misfiring .     A bit like fireworks exploding in my head. In fact exploding fire works, flash light, stage lights even more subtle light changes can trigger me to have a seizure.

In 70% of patients seizures can be controlled by medication of through seizures.  You do not need to suffer from epilepsy  to experience a seizure.  In very young children seizure can if they develop and very high fever.  These seizure may look like someone is having a "grand mal seizure or 'fit' or 'fitting' in the old language.  These are now known as "generalized seizures", given there is no specific cause, these seizure impair consciousness and the brain wave function become disrupted.  A person having a seizure may just appear blank, stair in to space as if the mind is absent from their bodies, seizure can last from a few seconds or minutes or hours in the case of a absent seizure, with the patient having no recollection of the seizure. A few patients may experience behaivoural changes and appear 'perfectly conscious', even though they have no awqareness of what they are doing.    

Patients may either "stiffen", "cruel the limbs", 'become jerky' or 'shake violently'.  As we learn more about what causes the brain to miss fire or meltdown, many of the first-aid steps we much used have changed.  Regardless of the presentation of symptoms

  • If the presentation continues for more then 3 minutes call an ambulance.
Other types of seizures occur in a specific area of the brain the were once referred to as petti mal or partial seizures, the are now termed focal with patients usual remaining aware during the seizure.  The functions of the brain and what happens when the brain malfunctions is only now starting to be discovered.

Many people who suffer epilepsy and non epilepsy seizures still like in secertiously, shame and isolation as misconception in the community leads to ridule.  The introdction of new termology make purple day 2014 an exciting event.  New ways to understand serizure activity and why these occur, gives us a lot to talk about.

Let's Talk Epilepsy
On March 26th 
Purple Day!

Purple day is a great day to open people's 'eyes up' to "What Lies With" the mind of someone living with a seizure disorder.  I chose to do this through my art. By hosting online art auction.  I may be living with disabilities, including epilepsy, but my life, love and passion for art knows no boundaries. 

My artwork gives testimony to my termination to embrace love and fly like a free butterfly.  I chose to use purple day to raise funds for Epilepsy Action Australia.  50% of all sales on March 26 will be donated to Epilepsy Action Australia. Or if art is not your thing you might like to make a donation at : my fundraising page  

Following the auction there will be a number of ways to make you payments electronically. Including my fundraising account, paypal and direct debt.  Please note: postage and handling is in addition to the price of your purchases.