Monday, February 19, 2018

My week navigating the ndis

Chasing your dreams and searching for the right supports under the ndis can be overwhelming. The preparation leading up to my art exhibition was exhausting and many artists suffer from post exhibition blues.  The timing this exhibition is great as my commitment to the Ipswich arts community means gearing up to tackle the annual Ipswich Festivals, which is where my attention has turned to this week. 

Thus my support workers have been support me in my art studio. But aliases I forgotten before that, I need to submit my work for the Brisbane Art International Spectacular Ooops! 

2017 Brisbane Rotary Art Spectacular 

In the mist on this I am still committed to engaging my own support team.  So a chunk of my time over the last week has been spent working with the recruitment agency. Remember that key advice I received in the lead up to transition to the ndis? 'Life will not stop which you organise you supports under the ndis'.

A few of my support workers with my current provider have moved on, taken holidays or been on sick leave.  This has left wholes in my roster and the need to use agency staff.  I am now introducing new staff into my home not knowing if I around for another month or another 10 months.  I still with a roster that is not fixed. 

The question is always in the back of my mind, will I have support for key events?  The constant drain of managing my supports under the ndis takes my attention away from my Ignite Artists business, Right now I feeling overwhelmed. However I am hoping to find some great support workers to assist me to work towards my ndis goals and my next art exhibition. 

Belonging to the Ipswich art community. 

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