Sunday, February 19, 2017

Ignite Artists Services

PO Box 483 Ipswich 4305

Ignite Artists

Who are we:

1.    We are building an inclusive artist community

2.    We are network of Ipswich artists seeking to share skills with each other and the wider Ipswich Community.

3.    We hope to provide disability awareness training to local business, so the access needs of artists living with disabilities can be meet.


Mentorships are:-

1.    One to one tuition providing professional advice in development of artists practises.

2.    This many include the development of news artistic skills, developing a body of work for exhibition; building your audience, touring, working on commissions; developing a business plan and more.

3.    Once we know you vision and goals we can match you with a suitable mentor for a period of 8 to 16 weeks. 

4.    This can be tailored to the needs of individual artists including those with disabilities, mental illness and chronic health.

5.    Mentorships would suit those with disabilities such as autism, who are unable to learn in a group environment.      

6.    Fee for service: Artists can pay upfront fees or apply for an professional development arts grant; or fundraise to pay for cost.

NDIS Planning

The National Disability Insurance Scheme allows people living with disabilities to direct how the want to be supported. This involves deciding what things you would like to do and how and with who you would like to do them.

In terms of visual arts this allows you to make many choices.  Some of these choices are:-

·         To enjoy art activities with a support provider

·         Produce art with the support of a support worker, tutor or mentor

·         Attend art classes

·         Join an art group

·         Establish an  arts practise

·         Produce and sell artwork

·         Be employed in the arts sector




Planning involves:

Step One:      Choosing a goal, activity or things you want to do

Step Two:      Choosing how you want to do things

Step Three:   Outlining the help you need due to your disability
Step Four:     Having your planning meeting
Step Five:      Once your plan is approved, choosing the supports you will use

In terms of art related activities the NDIS will only pay for the expenses relating to you disability and how you tell them you want to do each activity. They will not pay for expenses that other arts incur. Such as university fees, studio and gallery hire, community classes costs, and art supplies.  The NDIS should cover your access needs like, direct support costs, transport if you are unable to use public transport, job support, supported studio staff and admin costs and things like modify paint brushes.

What you need to include in your plan
·         Any goal or activity you want to do (relating to art)
·         Activities should be as specific as possible
·         Support needs to undertake each activity

We can provide planning advice to ensure all activities are in your plan to allow you to achieve your personal goals. Such as entering art competitions or selling your artwork.

Disability Awareness Training

·         Advice on writing your disability action plan to enable employees and customers with disabilities to be included in your business activities,

·         Advice on making your business more accessible for people with disabilities and how the NDIS can support you to achieve this.

·         Advice and specific industry training for management and staff to improve customer delivery to people with disabilities.
·         Generalise awareness on disability and access issues in the work place.
The Network
We are building the artist’s network through informal opportunities to get-together such as the Twilight Markets on Fridays in the Ipswich Mall.  The markets offer a relating atmosphere to explore different are forms and learn in a peer environment as more artists join the network more variety of activities can be added to the program.

We run workshops and art activities on behalf of groups and organisations.  Can us for an individualised quote to meet your needs and vision.
Funding and Fees
We are hoping to establish a social enterprise that supports the professional development of local artists through the network of peers. Initial we are hoping to fund four professional mentorship places through arts funding.  In addition to this individual artists may elect to apply for a Regional Arts Development Fund or an Arts Queensland Grant to assist with funding their mentorship or seek private sponsorship.
Artists with disabilities can apply for a 16 hour mentorship through us in partnership with Access Arts. Artists living with disability or mentor illness must be members of Access Arts prior to applying. The successful candidate will be selected by Access Arts.
Alternatively artists with disabilities should consider asking the NDIS to support their art goals through engaging a studio assistance or mentor.  This may allow them to appoint Ignite Artists as their nominated service provider.

The next stage in our planning is to apply for seed funding to established our social enterprise in Ipswich.  We are currently conducting research and business development planning to work towards commencing late in 2018 or 2019.

Additional income will be provided through our disability awareness training and writing disability action plans and workshops. Please email us for more information.

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